El Mail nativo, así como el Safari en iOS son una verdadera chapuza, no satisface las necesidades más simples ni siquiera al usuario menos exigente.
Chequea esta aplicación a ver si satisface lo que necesitas: Inbox Pro Outlook Edition

«Inbox Pro is the fastest, most elegant way access your company Outlook mail and calendar information from your iOS device. View, compose, and send emails with an interface designed to be the perfect fit for iOS 7 on both iPhone and iPad.
Note: This application has been developed by a third party and is not endorsed by, tested by, or in any other way associated with Microsoft Corporation. Inbox Pro is designed for Outlook Web Access accounts provided by Exchange server. We do not support Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook Express, personal copies of Outlook, or other webmail services.
With printing, attachment viewing, landscape mode, and support for all versions of Exchange, Mail Pro is the premium way to access your company email while on the move.
√ Fully designed for and compatible with IOS 7
√ Works with Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010, & 2013 servers
√ View Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF & picture attachments
√ Print Emails & Attachments (requires Airplay compatible printer)
√ Delete or move multiple items at once
√ Full Landscape and Portrait support on every screen
√ View and accept/decline meeting requests
√ Signature support.
√ Priority / Replied / Forwarded icons.
√ Universal app - works with iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad
√ Passcode protection for additional security
√ Multiple Account Support
√ Enhanced compatibility for problem servers
√ Support for VPN / RSA gateways
√ Excellent customer service»
Vía | Inbox Pro Outlook Edition